Sunday 7 October 2007

Who are you??

Ok, before you start thinking along spiritual lines, I am thinking more in terms one's identity and perception. 300 years ago or so, I imagine, that I would have said: "I am a Hindu Brahmin". Identity earlier had more to do with which family you are born, which caste, religion etc. and almost none with what you did, because what you did, was but a consequence of your birth.

This form of identity was highly glorified too, with monarchies dominating the whole of the world. The royal families, however capable or incompetent, were unquestioned rulers. J.R.R.Tolkien has exalted the importance of blood, to unbelievable levels in LOTR. "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne of Isildur". Now the fact that Aragorn was a great warrior, expert ranger, inspiring leader, etc., etc. is completely overshadowed throughout by the fact that he is from the bloodline of Numenor.

Of course with the French Revolution, the Ace now being more powerful than the King, everything has changed. Today, what you are, has everything to do what you have accomplished, what you do for a living and almost nothing to do with your family. People would introduce themselves as Doctors, Engineers, Athletes etc. Today, J.K. Rowling is richer, and I am sure, more admired, than the British Queen. This highlights how talent and achievements define identity today. Of course, the royal families are still adored, but in very few places and I don't think for too long.

Also with the advent of globalization, one has multiple identities. In India, I am a Maharashtrian. Anywhere else in the world, I am an Indian. For the ppl of the occident, I am an Asian. For a caucasian, I am a brown guy. And as for self identity, i am an IT Engineer. Being in a foreign land, have little social life, which translates into plenty of time. So i am sitting here writing this BLOG!

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