Thursday, 12 June 2008

Developed Indian Male

My friend was telling me about a friend of his who got into Asian Institute of Management, Manila (How so many of my transitive acquaintances seem to land up in IAS, IIMs, IITs is a discussion for another blog). Now this dude had applied for a scholarship to Asian Development Bank for his MBA. A person from ADB called him up regarding this, and regretfully informed that he was rejected. He went on to explain a couple of reasons as to why he was not awarded the scholarship.
Firstly, the dude was from India, and the ADB person said that they were looking for a candidate from a less developed country! .... wtf!
Secondly, the dude was told, "We prefer a female candidate. Of course, you cannot do anything about that."
As my friend said, "Good to have a sense of humor, even if you are rejecting someone"


Vartika said...

i am sorry, it is sad...
nevertheless, i am really amused!

Prabhakar Prakash Ranjan said...

Well, India is a developed country when it comes to getting scholarship :)