Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Time to go to office?


Unknown said...

Should it not be the other way round...the dog trying to pull the man?...anyways my brief experience brings to mind that people write for two reasons...for impression and for depression..what's the cause of your endeavour?

SmeaGollum said...

Nope.. man pulling the dog... coz the dog works all day long (rather the man does doggy/donkey work)
As for the "cause of my endeavour", its a lot of factors, both impression and depression being among them. (depression very much the essence of this particular post).

Unknown said...

Agreed...but my perspective is that in a dog eat dog world the learned man is often not allowed to pursue his choices, sleep being one of them...so your professional compulsions get to be the dog...

in retrospect, I feel the dog is within the man...who is to blame..the alock or the clock setter?