Thursday, 20 September 2007

Password Expired

My office intranet password expired yesterday. It does so every 2 months i guess for security reasons and u need to change it. The basic requirements for a password at our intranet are
1. Min 6 chars
2. At least 1 number, 1 alphabet, one capital alphabet to be included.

Ok. Thats not too complex. But there's another catch. Your password should be different from previous 12 passwords. And as if thats not enough, it should not even have 5 or or more common chars as your previous passwords (or something like that).

How can one think up of so many passwords??? and worse, how to remember them?
And thats just the intranet.. what about internet banking id's/passwords, ATM pins and what not. My mobile has this secure folder where u can store all these. Of course, it being so important and secret, needs a password as well!


Unknown said...

Well, basically your company demands a strong password for network access...which is the case in almost all companies. You can create on strong password and keep changing 1 character in it with the next one on the keyword. Say you keep your password Abcdef12!, after 90 days, change it to Bbcdef12! or change 2 letters. I haven't heard about the 4 chars not being same as the last pwd, so this is easier to remember. And its different from last 12 times..obviously! :-)

SmeaGollum said...

Ya, i had used somewhat similar trick by using Month of the Year. But been in the same place for more than a year so ran out of months!!

Rajiv Bhatt said...

i use this trick which works for me:

password+ suffixed by 2 or three digit number

so lets says u started with
abc01, next wud be abc02, after that abc03 .. ;)