Sunday, 23 September 2007

Murder is Murder, No matter what the Weapon

Saw this caption in one of the awareness campaigns on TV today. The theme goes somewhat like this:

We are shown a lot of convicted murderers along with the description of how they committed the act and using what means. For instance, one guy serving 12 years in prison for fatally stabbing someone, another person serving 15 years for shooting someone etc, and in the end, a guy serving 9 years in jail for running over and killing a child while over speeding. The campaign ends with:


The campaign really got me thinking. I, by no means can be described a rash driver. Also, I have observed many of my friends trying to pull stunts like racing in public, skidding the car and what not and have often chastised them. But i have never really respected speed limits much and generally feel that the safe driving speed varies on the traffic, road condition etc.

If you allow yourselves such liberty, does that make you a dangerous driver?

Saturday, 22 September 2007

Yuraj's Six Sixes in an over

For all those like me who missed it live, don't fret, we have Youtube: Sixes

I am not an avid cricket fan. But every once in a while something like this, or the Ashes 2005, or Sachin's batting in 2003 World Cup happens and i am excited again.

More often than not, it is followed by huge disappointment like 2003 World Cup Finals, the 2006-07 Ashes and i am back to being a cynic regarding Cricket.

Anyways, while i am excited, who'll win tonight?
India or Australia????

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Password Expired

My office intranet password expired yesterday. It does so every 2 months i guess for security reasons and u need to change it. The basic requirements for a password at our intranet are
1. Min 6 chars
2. At least 1 number, 1 alphabet, one capital alphabet to be included.

Ok. Thats not too complex. But there's another catch. Your password should be different from previous 12 passwords. And as if thats not enough, it should not even have 5 or or more common chars as your previous passwords (or something like that).

How can one think up of so many passwords??? and worse, how to remember them?
And thats just the intranet.. what about internet banking id's/passwords, ATM pins and what not. My mobile has this secure folder where u can store all these. Of course, it being so important and secret, needs a password as well!

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

2 GB my ass

I bought a laptop recently. I spent almost a month finalizing the model/configuration and in trying to get the best deal. Having used it for the past 2 months, i have realized that a computer configuration simply DOES NOT MATTER.

Honestly, how many MBs of RAM and how much processor speed does one need to run Media Player, Internet Explorer and GTalk simultaneously? I am sure that a 64 MB, Pentium 4 would suffice all my needs. The only thing i am glad about is that i did not spend too much money and got an integrated webcam - one useful feature at least!

Blogging looks like fun!

Spent most of the day looking at public blogs.. Some of ppl i know, some random ones. This looks like a nice medium to say whatever you like without bothering to worry if anyone's listening!!!!!