Saturday 12 January 2008

The Wonder Years

There was a series "The Wonder Years" which used to run on Star Plus when I was in School. Dealt with the life of Kevin Arnold, a 12 year old kid growing up in small town America. It ran for 6 seasons picturing Kevin from Grades 7 to 12. I used to watch it religiously. Can't say honestly that there are too many similarities between growing up in Mohapada, quintessentially rural India, and suburban America. But i could still identify with the characters, and fell in love with the show. The way childhood relationships are shown is simply brilliant. Some very simple and unassuming and others rather convoluted.

Looking back at my schooling, my experiences were very similar in that regard. It was so easy and natural to be friends with some people, while with others it was more intricate but equally pleasurable. This is nothing new i guess, everyone experiences it.

Anyways, see the show if u get a chance. Definitely worth it i say. Part of the final narration is:

Growing up happens in a heartbeat.
One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone.
But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul.

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